Sunday, July 5, 2009

History of our trip

Tomorrow we leave for Morocco, Africa. Our daughter Sarah has always had a love of the middle east and when she was 21 or so she spent about 9 months living in Cassablanca. She came back to the states and began school studying Arabic (which she had begun to get a grasp of while in Morocco). She studied at PSU for a year and a half and then was given a scholarship to study in Tetouan Morocco. In January 2009 Sarah left for Morocco and within a month had met Soufaine and within a very short time after that was engaged to be married. Sarah invited us over for the wedding and we began to plan our trip. Several weeks before the appointed time for us to travel to Morocco, Sarah called while I was at work and announced that Soufaine and her had married. So......the trip now is to go meet our new in laws. :-) We leave at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow morning for an adventure of a life time!!!

1 comment:

  1. Zan was telling me about your trip. I can't wait to hear all about it!
